USA Today has a new video interview with Jennifer Love Hewitt, who is always good for a wacky interview. This one was particularly fun and I enjoyed her energy. After checking out USA Today’s website, I would just like to complain for a moment about this new trend of sites being very video-heavy, overly simple to the point of hiding features, and not including quotes. It bothers me that sites are doing this, and that they’re modeling their design after mobile devices. How many times have you/your friends/family bought a new phone and had no idea how to use it? It’s one thing when technology is streamlined, it’s another when a flashy design hides features you can’t find.
Ok, thanks for following me on that tangent for a while. Getting back to Love-Hewitt, several outlets are excerpting these quotes and you really have to see them in context to realize that she was asked specifically about insuring her boobs, and that she was being goofy and having fun with it. (So maybe I just countered my own argument.) Love Hewitt is promoting the second season of The Client List, which premiered last night.
On if she would insure her boobs
I need, like, an insurance invitation. If somebody was like, ‘Hey, you know what? We would like to insure your boobs for $2.5 million dollars,’ I’d be like, ‘Do it. Love it! Why not?’ These things right here are worth $5 million!
Her grandmother’s nickname for her
My grandmother loves to call me ‘The TV ‘Ho,’ she thinks it’s hysterical and it’s so disturbing because she’s my 86 year-old grandmother.
Why she loves her job
I get to rub abs for a living. I never thought that that would be my job, so that’s exciting. It’s a hard job, but somebody has to do it, and I’m glad it’s me!
On how the men are more self conscious on her show than she is
I’ll be sitting there eating a sandwich and the guys will be doing jumping jacks or push-ups to work out their arms
Her casual style
I’ve cut down on the lingerie in my own life because I wear it all the time. So, it’s like I don’t want to go home and even think about another cute bra and panties set. I’m over it! I’m a soft, cozy T-shirt or tank top and big baggy sweatpants girl.
[From USA Today, quotes at US Weekly]
There’s going to be some consternation over Hewitt saying her boobs are worth millions of dollars but again she was just messing around about insuring body parts, and the interviewer is the one who brought it up. (I think, that was off camera.) She knows her boobs are worth the $5g they probably cost. I’m joking, her boobs are probably natural. She’s always been busty from what I remember, and most older photos of her show that. Say what you will about Love-Hewitt, she’s very natural looking and we haven’t seen her with puffy lips, obvious botox or fillers, or even a nose job. Our standards are really low, right?
Here’s a photo of her from 2000 with the same boobs. That outfit is so funny.
Photos from 2-14-13 and 3-4-13. Credit: