Claire Danes and Billy Crudup: what comes around

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes

Claire Danes is a prime example of the old adage “If they did it with you, they’ll do it to you.” She hooked up with Billy Crudup on a movie set while he was with seven months-pregnant actress Mary Louise Parker and she was with adoring Australian singer Ben Lee. These two cheaters set up house together, but then Danes cheated on Crudup three years later – predictably with one of her co-cast members, Hugh Dancy:

The handsome British actor [Hugh Dancy] is “the other man” in the Claire Danes/Billy Crudup breakup – although some might be surprised he hooked up with her and not him.

An eyewitness says Danes and Dancy got together Nov. 2, a month before the split with Billy.

According to the source, they shared a bed “with the door two feet ajar, and everybody listening” in his suite at the swanky hotel where the cast was staying while filming “Evening” in Newport, R.I.

But horny Hugh didn’t limit his attention to the ladies.

“The cast was pretty much drunk every night,” says the snitch. “Hugh also made out with [screenwriter] Michael Cunningham in the lobby.”

Plus, he was seen snogging the gay hotel manager, who lost his job.

So I guess this guy Hugh Dancy swings both ways. It seems like Danes has a type. Dancy has some superficial features in common with Ben Lee, Danes’ boyfriend of 7 years before she left him for Crudup. Crudup, Lee, and Dancy are all moderately good looking brunette guys.

From all reports, Mary Louise Parker handled Crudup’s incredible insensitivity well, and even went out of her way to let his family members see their baby after he ditched her. Now I guess Crudup knows how it feels to be cheated on. What comes around.
